Coming Fall 2018!

By 2020, women in the U.S. will control over two thirds of the nation's wealth but only 12% of girls feel very confident in their financial skills.

Problem? Yup.

Dolla Dolla World wants to build a free financial learning and professional development space for the next generation of women to access classes, coaches and community for economic independence and world domination.

Our goal? Take out the fear and put in the fun.

Despite efforts from the public and private sectors, there continues to be a lack of economic education for girls and women which directly contributes to gender disparity in pay and income.

If we want to guarantee the next generation of women is financially confident and competent, prepared for their future on their terms, we need to act NOW. So what are we waiting for?

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My biggest fear is not having enough money to accomplish my goals.

What... financial literacy?

Don't feel bad, lots of people are unfamiliar with this term. It is pretty simple: financial literacy—the ability to use basic economic concepts to make decisions about earning, saving, spending, and sharing money—is a skill. As with reading and writing, a working knowledge of these concepts is essential for future success. And, it can be taught.

What's the problem?

Are you kidding? Where do we begin??!!

Sources: The Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center, Girl Scouts Research Institute, Pew Reports, Federal Reserve

Yikes! What's being done right now?

Currently, economic literacy is not a standard component of the K−12 education curriculum in the United States and most countries. Often, the responsibility for teaching these skills falls on parents and out-of-school programs.

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I wish there were easy ways to get the information I need to turn my dreams into something real, taking them from sketches to a full-on business.

But that's not working...

No programs take a holistic approach to economic independence. They might teach a girl how to open a bank account but they never teach them how to negotiate the salary to fill it.


...does this matter?

Well, if our government isn't going to ratify girls' and women's rights to equal pay and economic parity, and our education system is not going to recognize that financial literacy should be part of every high school curriculum, then girls and women need to get the knowledge (and power) necessary to build a new system themselves.

Enough waiting for somebody else to fix it. Remember, by 2020, two-thirds of U.S. wealth will be in the hands of women. With that much power, isn't it time to stop asking permission?

Why should I care about some girl I don't even know?

Teaching girls financial literacy makes financial sense. When they gain a sense of economic independence, they know how to advocate not only for their economic security, but also the economic security of their friends, their families, their communities, their country and their world.

Not convinced? Ummmmm...

Sources: The Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center, Girl Scouts Research Institute, Pew Reports, Federal Reserve

How's that for WHY??

Dolla Dolla World wants to put an end to these discrepancies and inequalities starting NOW! Time to arm our young women with the confidence, knowledge and opportunities to take control of their personal, professional, and financial futures.

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Girls are extremely optimistic about their future lives but admit to lacking the financial confidence and knowledge to achieve their dreams.


...will we do this?

Well, the dreaded “P” word: pop-up. Yup, Dolla Dolla World will launch in NYC with the most exciting and creative “money store” you have ever seen. During Fall 2018, Dolla Dolla World will provide a free space, open to all, with talks, workshops, panels, one-on-one consulting, job fairs and, of course, karaoke (do YOU know a better way to build confidence??).

Got it but what about after the summer?

So happy you asked! We plan to pilot the program with this pop-up (ppppppp) and then take the show on the road. Our dream? Malls. (Come on, isn't that always the dream?) One of a kind spaces in malls where young people can access everything they need to be confident and financially independent.

OK, but what is the programming exactly?

We are Gen Z-led (along with a Millennial or two) and take that seriously. So the programming will be determined by them. Too many old people want to tell younger generations what they need to know and how they should learn. We aren't convinced. We believe that young people can tell us what they want and need and then, together, with our resources, expertise and experience, we can make it happen. It is our responsibility to create the best structure and system for young women to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to go out into the world as dreamers, builders and leaders.

So, everything is determined by girls and guided by adults, but what will you teach exactly?

From 101 foundations like: Credit, Saving, Budgeting, Investing, Student Loans, Taxes, Insurance and Financial Pitfalls, to more nuanced topics like: Entrepreneurship, Philanthropy, Financing Projects, and Ethical and Sustainable Investment—we'll cover a lot of ground.

But in addition to hitting all of the basics, Dolla Dolla World will also offer less orthodox programming that addresses those life skills which are critical complements to money talk. Skills that include: Confidence, Mental Well-Being, Leadership, Happiness, and Social Responsibility. From bite-sized lessons (shown to be as effective as teaching complex concepts in their entirety) on simple financial rules and guidelines on Instagram, to more time-intensive workshops that turn lessons into real-world action, Dolla Dolla World's programming will support young women at every stage of their progress towards economic independence.

Sounds great! Can you give us some examples?

Definitely! Below is a quick snapshot of the type of programs Dolla Dolla World will offer.


Weekly panels and discussions on topics like:


Workshops led by financial, marketing and start-up experts on How To:


Young people are rarely taught the knitty-gritty basics of starting a business and even less often told to go ahead and do it. We will take girls' passion points (like fashion, music, art, media, STEM, to name a few) and hold focused summer-long programs in which a new aspect of business building will be taught each week. We'll tackle: how to build a team, how to raise money, how to do a P&L, how to market, how to price and how to distribute.

Each week the girls will be given an assignment and by the end of the program, they will have produced a prototype and, when applicable, be given space in the Dolla Dolla store to sell. Rather than hold yet another zine making workshop, we'll actually show girls how to finance, price, print and distribute the zines they're dreaming of making.


We have heard that Jeff Bezos selects a “shadow” every year—somebody who spends every day following the master in order to learn how to become the master. We don't know Mr. Bezos (yet!), but we do know many amazing women who are living their professional dreams and want to share a piece of it with a girl. Each week, Dolla Dolla will issue a challenge that girls complete in order to be eligible for the opportunity to shadow a woman who works in a field of interest to our community.


Do you really think that young women dictating programming, as well as in some cases teaching each other, will actually be effective?

Yup, we do. Everyone on the Dolla Dolla team has been a long-time fan of something called Connected Learning. We won’t bore you with the details (which we don’t actually think are boring at all!) but basically, Connected Learning is a design system for learning where you start with a person’s interest(s), add a bit of peer support, ground the whole thing in group purpose with a production-centered methodology, and move learning beyond traditional spaces, taking advantage of opportunities to learn online and off, in all areas of students’ lives.

So while Dolla Dolla World doesn’t follow the exact model of Connected Learning, it operates according to similar principles: build learning around things that young women want, in a space where they feel supported by their peers and give it some academic rigor and real world application.

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94% of girls would rather make their own money than rely on their parents, and 80% would rather make their own money than marry someone who would support them financially.

Last question...what if i am not in NYC this summer and I still want to talk money?!



Dolla Dolla World comes to you from the Founder of School of Doodle and the team at Irregular Labs, a Gen Z-run company that connects the ideas, opinions and imaginations of girl and gender nonconforming Gen Zs to the world.

Advisory Board

We rely upon our amazing Advisory Board of young and old to keep us in line and make Dolla Dolla World, well, dolla-tastic!

Cameron Lawrence (Student)

Dayna Evans (Writer/Editor)

Jennifer Arceneaux (Chief Brand & Development Officer, Acorns)

Jennifer Justice (President, Corporate Development, Superfly)

Joan Hornig (Founder, Joan Hornig Jewelry)

Maluca Mala (Musician)

Robin Shapiro (Founder, seek Food)

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I wish there were easy ways to get the information I need to turn my dreams into something real, taking them from sketches to a full-on business.


What do you mean by girls and women? What about people who don’t subscribe to gender binaries?

Language around gender is a bit funny but we want to be clear that Dolla Dolla World is for girls, young women, femmes and gender nonconforming people who are institutionally and systemically excluded from those financial learning (and earning) opportunities afforded to “men."

What’s the difference between financial literacy and economic empowerment?

Honestly, not much. We happen to prefer the term economic independence since we believe that in addition to learning how to save money, girls and women need to learn how to make money on their terms.

Is this like home economics classes from the 1960’s?

Yes, a bit. While this bygone staple of a girl’s high school education seems more finishing school than feminist, that isn’t how they started. Did you know that home ec was created by a few awesome women (scientists + MIT grads!) at the turn of the century to teach women (who suddenly had huge amounts of purchasing power and department stores instead of farms) how to effectively manage a household and its finances? The intention was to give women financial literacy so they could make the best decisions … so THEY could make them, not their husbands, their fathers, their children. Them. Women. Make smart choices. Fact is, the history of home ec is deeply feminist and we think it is a pretty stellar model for a little 2018 reinvention.

*Dolla Dolla World is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization.